Confience’s Sample Master® LIMS Enhances Customer Satisfaction at Kenya Bureau of Standards

Implementation has increased productivity through quick and accurate reporting of sample tests.

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Organization Profile

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) is the Kenyan government’s principal body that is mandated to facilitate and/or guide the development of appropriate standardization and conformity assessment mechanisms for goods and services in the country. KEBS was established in 1974 by an Act of Parliament and became fully operational by 1975. Its main activities at that time were development of standards and quality control for locally made products. The metrology laboratories started operating in 1980, followed by testing laboratories in 1982. Due to increased trade liberalization, import inspection commenced in 1995 and pre-verification of imports to conformity of standards was started in 2005.


Today, KEBS provides trade facilitation services in Metrology, Standards, Testing andQuality Management (MSTQ) including the WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point, certification and accreditation. It is comprised of 10 laboratories based in Nairobi, two laboratories in Mombasa and one laboratory in Kisumu. The laboratories are managed in accordance to international standard ISO/IEC 17025 on general requirements for competence of testing and calibration laboratories.


Their Challenge

KEBS desired a complete solution to facilitate and improve the processing of their samples and regulatory compliance along with secure web access to data.

Confience’s Sample Master® LIMS is a user-friendly system which has enabled the Kenya Bureau of Standards to provide timely, effective and efficient service delivery to our customers, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction. This has been made possible by the successful implementation and excellent support of Confience.

Eric Kirui | Chief Manager of Information and Communication Technology Department

Kenya Bureau of Standards

Our Solution

Confience’s Sample Master LIMS and Result Point® web portal were selected by Kenya Bureau of Standards to provide a total laboratory data management solution. Implementation has increased productivity in the laboratory through quick and accurate reporting of sample tests, and virtually eliminated a back log of work for testing quality of goods. Using Microsoft SQL Server as the backend, Sample Master LIMS quick retrieval of sample tests for reports supports effective decision making by KEBS quality control officers regarding quality compliance standards on manufactured goods being imported into Kenya.


SampleMaster LIMS has also eliminated multiple data entries, transcription errors and potential fraud on sample test data. KEBS ensures the confidentiality of its customers’ sample information through the security provided by the LIMS’ chain of custody features, automation of reports and quality control standards configured into Sample Master LIMS.

Confience is driven by the mission to provide automated lab management and data their customers can act on to build trusted products and a thriving planet. The result of a recently announced merger between Accelerated Technology Laboratories (ATL) and Quality Systems International (QSI), Confience offers LIMS solutions that empower lab and quality managers to accurately gather, analyze, report data, work efficiently and intuitively, meet compliance goals, and exceed business objectives.

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