Environmental Industry LIMS

Laboratory Information Management Software for Environmental Labs

Environmental testing laboratories play a crucial role in safeguarding our environment by maintaining accurate records. Precision and efficiency are paramount in scheduling, acquiring, testing, and reporting environmental data. Confience LIMS is tailored to meet these demands, offering comprehensive software tools for processing environmental samples accurately, efficiently, and in compliance with regulatory standards.

environmental testing

Meeting Your Environmental Laboratory Needs

Confience LIMS configurability and sample tracking features allow laboratories to schedule and closely monitor samples and their associated sampling source information (including GPS coordinates). The integrity of data produced by the lab is assured by maintaining detailed result acquisition information including the analyst, equipment, standards & reagents that were employed when testing.

Confience LIMS includes data acquisition that interface with external systems, instruments and equipment to add efficiency and accuracy to the data collection process. Off-site access to Confience LIMS via Mobile devices (tablets & smart phones) enhances efficiency, accuracy and timeliness by allowing off-site workers to create samples, enter field-obtained results and review existing data. Powerful reporting and XML generation tools enable you to provide the reports in both hard copy and electronic format to accommodate virtually any existing or future need.

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Our Current Customers

Confience’s provides a series of tools that make it ideal for use within the Public Service & Environmental Safety Industry. A short list of Confience LIMS users within the Public Service & Environmental Safety industries include:

Powerful LIMS Functionality

Confience LIMS provides all of the functionality that is required to run a modern laboratory right ‘out-of-the-box’ so you can start using your Confience LIMS software within hours of installation.

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Role-Based Security System

Confience LIMS role-based security system can be integrated with Active Directory to limit users to only the information and functionality that is associated with their role within the laboratory to ensure the integrity of your data.

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Version-Controlled Configuration Templates

Product specifications, test methods and other information that is subject to re-versioning is managed within Confience LIMS ensure data accuracy and product quality with a full audit trail of all changes that are made.

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Multiple Sample Login Options

Samples can be manually created individually or in batches via PC or handheld device to accommodate the workflow of your operation.  Creation of samples can also be initiated via interface to 3rd party applications (e.g., ERP systems) to eliminate duplication of effort and user error.

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Sample Tracking & Workflow

Laboratory and product workflow status are automatically assigned by Confience LIMS to guide samples to and through the laboratory.  Dashboard web parts allow instant access to this information to efficiently monitor lab work and your facility’s production process.

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Multiple Results Entry Options

A variety of manual and automated results entry screens and tools allow results to be entered into Confience LIMS in a manner that is natural to your work environment. All data entry provides instantaneous feedback that indicates the quality of the product being tested to allow rapid management decisions.

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Test Worklist Management

The ability to create and manage test and instrument-based worklists that intersperse calibration, control, and blank samples while allowing the assignment of duplicate and spike samples (with associated recovery calculations) is included to provide a full contextual representation of data acquisition.

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Powerful Calculation Capabilities

Confience LIMS includes a powerful calculation engine that allow both simple and complex calculations to be performed based on the entry of raw data. The use of automated and validated calculations simplifies the entry of result while ensuring that all calculations are accurately and consistently performed.

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Data Review and Release

Multiple levels of peer and management review of test, worklist and sample information is provided to ensure that the release of information conforms with your organization’s policies. Multiple levels of approval with electronic signature sign-off is available, if desired.

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Instrument Calibration & Maintenance

Confience LIMS includes an instrument/equipment management module that inventories all instruments to automatically schedule maintenance. In addition, all calibration and control information is captured and provides on-going statistical information to ensure the integrity of data that is obtained.

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Online SQC/SPC Charting

Statistical evaluation of data using the Western Electric rules is immediately available at the time of results entry that allows process information to be evaluated to avoid production problems. On-line SQC charts can be issued with the click of a button to efficiently monitor historical information.

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Integrated Reporting

A variety of site-specific reports are issued by passing information from any page or query to the report by the click of a single button. Reports can be saved in a variety of formats (e.g., PDF, Excel, Word, etc.) to simplify the sharing of information to consumers and allows them to receive the data in the format that is germane to their needs.

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External Web-Portal

A Portal website can be added to Confience LIMS to allow external customers to create samples, monitor testing progress, and receive reports without disrupting the laboratory.

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Instrument Interfacing

Instrument data can be directly passed from the instrument to Confience LIMS to eliminate data transcription errors while enhancing the productivity by eliminating manual data entry.

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Integrated Audit Trail

Modifications made to all data is recorded within the Confience LIMS audit trail which is essential for organizations that serve regulated industries. The audit trail also allows you to investigate issues that arise when data is erroneously modified.

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Inventory Management

The Inventory and Sample Preparation feature manages the various chemicals, reagents and lab supplies used by the lab.  The materials can be tracked from order, to receipt, to use in preparation solutions to ensure full traceability. In addition, expiration and inventory amounts are managed to ensure that supplies are always in-stock and expired materials are never used.

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Microbiology Testing

Confience LIMS allows you to record the equipment and reagents that are used in conjunction with micro testing and schedules the incubation times to simplify workflow. The scheduling provides read time notifications while serial dilution calculations ensure that the correct information is recorded and reported.

"After converting from a different system, I was impressed by the configurability of the Confience LIMS software and the support we were able to receive from the Confience staff."

Jim Gerry
Castrol Lubricants

"With Confience LIMS, we document our laboratory tests reliably and in compliance with GxP: On the one hand, Confience also pays attention to maintaining the validated state, on the other hand, Confience LIMS is characterized by stable operation. Confience was able to set up the interface to our SAP S/4 HANA flexibly and provide it quickly. The cooperation with Confience was always cooperative and on an equal footing. Our contact persons had an open ear for questions and concerns, even at short notice."

Dr Karsten Brandenbusch
Head of Quality Control at Hevert-Arzneimittel

"We have been working successfully with Confience LIMS in the fields of radiochemistry and environmental analysis for over 20 years. The Confience LIMS systems were individually configured for our processes, adapted to changed structures (merger of laboratories from different offices) and are subject to regular revision to new requirements (e.g. mobile working)."

Project Manager - Markus Zips
Bavarian State Office for the Environment

Best-in-class LIMS, built for your success

See what makes Confience different. Speak with a member of our team.

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